AHA Heartsaver (HS) BBP Provider Course

​​This 1 hour course provides the necessary knowledge and skill 

by increasing the acute awareness and handling of potentially

infectious material generally in any community or workplace setting.

This course, as a matter of fact, is an annual OSHA-required course

for all of those who can reasonably expect to be exposed to blood-borne

pathogens or other potentially infectious material (OPIM).

The areas that WILL BE covered include:

- Broad Discussion of Various Pathogenic Sources

- Blood-borne Diseases such as Hepatitis B (HBV) and HIV

- Skin-borne Diseases such as MRSA

- Air-borne Diseases such as TB

- Best Prevention especially Proper Hand-washing and PPE

- Necessary Treatment and Reporting

​Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate can receive

their AHA HS BBP Provider Certification Card.

AHA Heartsaver (HS) FIRST AID Provider Course

​​This 3-4 hour course provides the necessary knowledge and skill 

to save a life, in short, emphasizing 911 and providing basic FIRST AID

generally in any community or workplace setting.  

The areas that WILL BE covered include:

General Principles

- Concerns of Further Injury, Future Litigation and Disease Transmission

- Responsibility and Liability

- Scene Safety and Standard Precautions

- Phoning 911 and Finding the Problem

Medical or Illness Emergencies

- Asthma and FBAO (Foreign Body Airway Obstruction aka Choking)

- Allergic Reaction (Anaphylaxis)

- Heart Attack (AMI)

- Fainting (Syncope)

- Diabetic Reaction (Hypoglycemia)

- Stroke or Brain Attack (CVA)

​- Seizures

Trauma or Injury Emergencies

​- External and Internal Bleeding

​- Nose, Mouth, Dental and Eye Injuries

- Head, Neck and Spine Injuries

- Bone, Muscle and Joint Injuries

​- Thermal, Chemical and Electrical Burns

​Environmental Emergencies

- Animal and Snake Bites

​- Insect, Spider and Tick Bites and Stings

​- Marine Bites and Stings

- Heat and Cold Emergencies

- Poisoning Emergencies

​Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will receive

their AHA HS FIRST AID Provider Certification Card.